18th London Greek Film Festival 2024




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Best Fiction Feature Film – Cosmocinema Awards
Murderess. Dir. by Eva Nathena. Greece. 2023.
Honorable Mention for Fiction Feature Film – Acting Code Awards
The Gaze Adventure. Dir. by Dimitri Athanitis. Greece. 2023.

Honorable Mention for Fiction Feature Film – Odysseus Awards
Operation Star. Dir. by Vasileios Tsikaras. Greece. 2023.

Best Director – Acting Code Awards
Murderess. Dir. by Eva Nathena. Greece. 2023.
Best Documentary – Cosmocinema Awards
Uprootings. Dir. by Eleni Alexandraki. Greece. 2023.
Best Documentary – Acting Code Awards
Homelandsickness. Dir. by Gόlsel Φzkan. Germany, Greece, Turkey. 2023.

Best Documentary – Odysseus Awards
Gas Station or the Pigeons of Lahore. Dir. by Thomas Sideris. Greece, Pakistan. 2024.

Honorable Mention for Documentary – Acting Code Awards
A Taste of Life. Dir. by Alkis Sdougkos. Greece. 2024.
Best Short Fiction Film – Acting Code Awards
The One Note Man. Dir. by George C. Siougas. UK. 2023.

Best Short Fiction Film – Cosmocinema Awards
Smoking In Public. dir. by Stelios Kouk. UK. 2023.
Honorable Mention for Short Fiction Film – Cosmocinema Awards
The Armchair on the Pavement. Dir. by Mary Kolonia. Greece. 2023.

Honorable Mention for Short Fiction Film – Acting Code Awards
At the Gym. Dir. by Pantelis Skourlas. Greece. 2022.

Honorable Mention for Short Fiction Film – Odysseus Awards
Caged. Dir. by Orestis Rouskas. Greece. 2023.

Best Video Art – Cosmocinema Awards
The Mushroom Man. Dir. by Petros Niamonitakis. Greece. 2024.

Best Video Art – Acting Code Awards
You. Dir. by Gm Touliatou. Greece. 2023.
Best Music Video – Cosmocinema Awards
Kohyli. Dir. by Thodoris Pistiolas. Greece. 2023.

Best Experimental Film – Acting Code Awards
Vigil. Dir. by Pippa Samaya, Tara Jade Samaya (The Samaya Wives). Australia. 2024.

Honorable Mention for Experimental Film – Cosmocinema Awards
Trojan Women re-imagined. Dir. by Vicky Karaiskou. Greece. 2022.

Honorable Mention for Experimental Film – Acting Code Awards
Exist. Dir. by Daniel Luke Fossey & Kalliopi Fouseki. UK. 2023.

Best Costume
Design & Set Design – Cosmocinema Awards
Eva Nathena
Murderess. Dir. by Eva Nathena. Greece. 2023.

Best Actress – Acting Code Awards
Karyofillia Karabeti
Murderess. Dir. by Eva Nathena. Greece. 2023.

Best Photography – Cosmocinema Awards
Panagiotis Vassilakis
Murderess. Dir. by Eva Nathena. Greece. 2023.

Best Editing – Cosmocinema Awards
Aggela Despotidou
Murderess. Dir. by Eva Nathena. Greece. 2023.

Best Music – Cosmocinema Awards
Dimitris Papadimitriou
Murderess. Dir. by Eva Nathena. Greece. 2023.

Best Actor – Acting Code Awards
Jason Watkins
The One Note Man. Dir. by George C. Siougas. UK. 2023.
Best Fiction Feature Screenplay – Cosmocinema Awards
Homeless. Written by Nicholas Kyriallidis. Greece.
Best Fiction Feature Screenplay – Acting Code Awards
Puppeteer. Written by Nicholas Kyriallidis. Greece.

Honorable Mention for Fiction Feature Screenplay – Acting Code Awards
Black Gold. Written by Niki Lambropoulos. Greece.
Best Short Fiction Screenplay – Acting Code Awards
Blue Sky Out of the Oresteia. Written by Katherine Taylor. USA.
Best Short Fiction Screenplay – Cosmocinema Awards
Malgo. Written by Chara Kourlessi. Greece.

FINALISTS   (list with no specific order)
Fiction Feature Films
At All Costs. Dir. by Christos (Chris Prantza) Prantzalos. Greece. 2024.
Africa Star. Dir. by Adonis Florides. Cyprus. 2023.
The Rhapsodist. Dir. by Nikolai Hamel. Greece. 2023.

Alonissos National Marine Park - the natural wealth of the Galaxy of the Aegean Sea.
Dir. by Maria Alexioou, Andreas Stellas, Panagiotis Kyriazis. Greece. 2022.
The Red Teacher. Dir. by Stelios Charalampopoulos. Greece. 2023.
Construction workers, our heroic comrades. Dir. by Giannis Xydas. Greece. 2023.
Science Bridges. Dir. by Konstantinos Gourgiotis. Greece. 2023.
Queens of Cyprus. Dir. by Panikos Michael Panayiotou. UK. 2024.
The Town Crier. Dir. by Vangelis Pyrpylis. Greece. 2024.
North Evia - None Dead (!). Dir. by Vasileios Nikas. Greece. 2023.
Folk Bards. Dir. by Thanos V Koutsandreas. Greece. 2024.

Short Fiction Films
I have the story but I am not the story.
Dir. by Theodora Madarou. Greece. 2023.
Mouse Man. Dir. by Michael Kontzamanis. Canada. 2024.
Bravo America. Dir by Pete Stamatelatos. USA. 2023.
Gastarbeiter - Sidero & Chaliva. Dir. by Marco Papadopoulos. Germany. 2024.
Antigone. Dir. by Eva Nathena. Greece. 2023.
Asymptote. Dir. by Leda Contopanagos. UK. 2023.
Raining grace or thanks to the rain. Dir. by Cryssa Florou. France. 2023.
Until You See Me. Dir. by Eleanna Santorinaiou. Greece. 2023.
Yaya. Dir. by Laura Neri. Belgium. 2023.

Music Videos
Greek summer, Greek dreams. Dir. by Vasiliki Kouvela. Greece. 2024.
The Labyrinth. Dir. by Callum Luke Clark, James Clark. UK. 2024.

In the Light that Flees. Dir. by Anastasia Manou. Greece. 2024.
Odysseus' Return to Ithaca. Dir. by Hans-Christian Hauser. Germany. 2023.
The Ordeals of Odysseus. Dir. by Hans-Christian Hauser. Germany. 2022.
Ruins Within Ruins. Dir. by Lefteris Parasyris. Greece. 2024.
Stratis. Dir. by Antonis Maros. Greece. 2023.
Psyche. Directed by Georgina Foiniki. UK. 2023.

Fiction Feature Screenplays
Hellas without sun. Written by Marouso Psarrou. Greece.

Short Fiction Screenplays
'Varion' for every nature of fear. Written by Souzanna Chrysomallidou. Greece. 2024.
Anomili. Written by Evangelia Movsesian & Dimitrios Belogiannis. Greece. 2022.
Νησιά. Written by Christiana Kandylioti & Kostas Gakis. Greece, USA. 2024.

Odysseus Awards, Cosmocinema Awards and Acting Code Awards
are not accompanied by cash prize or funding.








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